Things you want to do when your air conditioner is broken.

Cool off in your bathtub If you don’t feel like switching rooms or leaving your house all together, then try this simple trick! Running cool water will lower the temperature in any given room by at least five degrees.

Make a fan out of newspaper If the broken air conditioner is in your bedroom, then you might want to take matters into your own hands! Just fold up some newspapers and put them in front of a fan. It’ll circulate cool air throughout the room for hours on end.

Put water bottles in the freezer One broken air conditioner trick that’s popular with teachers is putting water bottles all over their classroom overnight. Once they’re frozen solid, simply place them inside an empty cardboard box (or any other small space) where there’s no broken air conditioner. They’ll keep things chilly while also making it look like you never bothered setting this up in the first place!

Turn off the lights Not only will this trick make your broken air conditioner think it’s cooler outside, but it’ll also save you a bit of cash on the next electricity bill!

Put a bowl full of ice cubes next to a fan. Place bowls filled with water all around your broken air conditioner. Then turn a fan on low and point it at the ice. The cold wind created by the moving blades will help cool things down quickly.

Use cooking spray If you need to get rid of stickiness without wasting too much money, then cooking spray is just what the doctor ordered! Spray some directly onto your broken air conditioner so that it can work better than before!

Make an “air conditioner” out of info chunks If you have a broken air conditioner that’s particularly broken, then all hope is not lost! Just take a bunch of info chunks and set them up in front of your broken air conditioner. The cold wind created by the broken will help cool things down quickly.

Use leaves to help water evaporate You might already know this, but when water evaporates it helps cool off the surrounding area. So why not take these advantage of leaves? Just place a few around your container garden so that they can absorb any extra liquid while also cooling down the soil in their immediate vicinity!

Remove excess light from inside Your eyes can play tricks on you if there’s too much light inside your broken air conditioner. So why not block it out with a simple piece of cloth? Cut two holes directly in front of where your broken air conditioner is, and put the cloth overtop (keeping the broken air conditioner open). That way it’ll feel like you’re in a much cooler environment!

Place ice cubes all over your broken air conditioner If you have an old broken air conditioner that’s not worth repairing, then try this trick instead! Just take some ice cubes and place them on top of the broken air conditioner to cool things off quickly. It might sound silly, but it works!

Turn off anything that creates heat Even when there’s no broken air conditioner, many appliances will create unnecessary heat. So why not turn them off? You’ll be surprised by how much cooler things are once they’re out of sight…and out of mind!

Create breezes using multiple fans. Fans are great for circulating cold temperatures around your home when there’s a broken air conditioner. But if you want to save a bit of cash, just use multiple fans and point them in different directions at once.

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